Saturday, December 13, 2014

Regatta end - Melbourne

So my regatta ended in an anticlimactic way. No racing on the last day - so I stay in my finish position of 14th place. Despite all the shoulda' coulda' woula's  about how I could have saved points here and there to finish higher,  I am pleased with improvements to a couple key parts of my game: namely starting. My awareness of the fleet positioning upwind is also improving. My upwind speed in flat water and chop was good, but now I know that I really need to work on technique upwind in big waves, and as always I need more work on downwind speed. I am also going to do more research on how to identify a persistent shift, so that I can be more confident deciding whether to take sterns to get to a side or be patient knowing that the wind will oscillate.

All in all a great experience. The Laser Standard Medal race is about to start, and the Radial Medal race is after that. A great crowd up here on the race deck overlooking the stadium course. Wind is about 8 knots out of the south with some clouds.

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